Patient Rights
- Be informed about Patient Rights before the surgical procedure begins. The patient may appoint a representative to receive this information.
- Exercise Patient Rights without regard to age, race, gender, national origin, religion, culture, disability, economic status, or source of payment for care.
- Considerate, respectful, and dignified care, provided in a safe environment, free from all forms of abuse, neglect, harassment, or reprisal.
- Access protective and advocacy services or have these services accessed on the patient’s behalf.
- Assessment and management of pain.
- Know the name of the physician with primary responsibility for coordinating the patient’s care, and the names and professional relationships of other physicians and healthcare providers who will provide care.
- Change providers if other qualified providers are available.
- Know whether physicians hold financial interest in the surgery center.
- Know whether the physician(s) providing care does not carry malpractice coverage.
- Receive sufficient information about proposed treatment(s) and procedure(s) to give informed consent for treatment(s) or refuse treatment(s) and procedures. Excluding emergency situations, information includes: a description of the treatment(s) and procedure(s), the clinically significant associated risks, alternate courses of treatment or non-treatment, the risks associated with each, the name of the person who will provide treatment(s) and/or perform the procedure(s).
- Participate in the development and implementation of the clinical plan of care and actively participate in decisions regarding clinical care. As permitted by law, this includes the right to request and/or refuse treatments and procedures.
- Know the surgery center’s policy and state regulations about Advance Directives and request Advance Directive forms in keeping with State regulatory agency requirements.
- Privacy about clinical care, treatment(s) and procedure(s). Case discussion, consultation, examination, and treatment are confidential. Patients have the right to know the reason for the presence and authorize the presence of all individuals participating in or delivering care.
- Confidential treatment of all communications and records pertaining to care at the surgery center. The patient gives written permission to release clinical information to those not directly providing care.
- Receive information as best understood by the patient. Communication with the patient is effective and provided to facilitate the patient’s understanding. Written information is appropriate to the age, understanding, and language of the patient. Communications are specific to the patient’s vision, speech, hearing, and cognitive status.
- Access clinical record information within a reasonable time.
- Know the surgery center’s grievance process, should there be concern regarding care received. Information about the grievance process includes: surgery center contact information, regulatory agency contact information, written notice of the grievance determination or outcome that contains steps taken to investigate the grievance, the results of the findings, and investigation completion date.
- Know surgery center contact information, the State or Federal agency to whom complaints can be reported, and contact information for the Office of the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman
- Know whether surgery center physicians propose or perform experiments, research, clinical trials, or medical education affecting or involving care or treatment. The patient has the right to refuse participation or discontinue participation without compromising access to care, treatment, or services.
- Full support and respect of all patient rights if the patient participates in research projects. This includes the patient’s right to grant informed consent as related to the research project. Information given to participants is recorded in the clinical record or research file.
- Receive instructions from the physician(s) or delegate about care after discharge from the surgery center.
- Examine and receive an explanation of charges and costs, regardless of payment source.
- Have all Patient Rights apply to the person delegated legal responsibility to make clinical care decisions on behalf of the patient.
Patient Responsibilities
- Provide accurate and complete information concerning current and past states of health, present complaints, hospitalizations, medications (including over the counter products and dietary supplements), allergies and sensitivities, and any other pertinent health information.
- Understand and/or ask questions about care and services delivered, and about instructions following care and treatment.
- Follow the treatment plan and care instructions or accept accountability if the treatment plan and care instructions are not followed.
- Keep appointments or notify the surgery center if unable to keep an appointment.
- Leave valuables with a family member/representative.
- Be accompanied at discharge by a responsible adult.
- Inform the surgery center staff of a living will, medical power of attorney, or other directive that could affect care.
- Accept personal financial responsibility for any charges not covered by insurance.
- Show respect for other patients and surgery center staff.
- Tell us if there is a problem with care.
* It is the responsibility of a parent or guardian to remain at the surgery center for the duration of a pediatric patient’s stay.
Feedback on Our Service
You may contact any of the following:
- Virgil Endoscopy Center
Phone: 1-213-738-6090 - California Department of Public Healtht
555 Ferguson Dr. Suite 320Commerce, CA 90022
Phone: 1-213-869-8500 - Medicare
Phone: 1-800-633-4227 - The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181
Phone: 1-603-792-5000 - Office of Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue SW
Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, D.C. 20201
Phone: 1-800-368-1019, 1-800-527-7697 (TDD)
Complaint forms are available at: